Monday, July 15, 2013

Reality Shows and to Naples we go!

Is anyone else watching Big Brother this season? 

I am, for the first time. It seemed like errrybody else had "their show" except for me. I have a hard time sitting down in the same place at the same time every week, but I wanted to keep up with the FB and blog chatter! And HOOOOLY crap, I'm addicted! 

There are lots of people in the house that I really like, but the top three on my shit list are as follows (sorry if I butcher the spelling on their names):
1) Aaryn
2) Kaitlyn
3) Jeremy

Thank goodness surfer boy left the first week.. David, was it? I couldn't handle "the hair" for another minute. Although I'm not sure Jeremy is much more tolerable. But Aaryn has GOT to go next. I can't not believe how much ignorance, arrogance and malice can fit into one tiny little body! 

I'm lovin me some MomSquad, Howard, and Amanda. Even though I'm not a mom, I think I would relate to those ladies much better than others in the house. Anyone who isn't a mean b***h would agree.

Anyways, we went to one of our favorite places in Florida over the Fourth: Naples!

^This is the only photo I have from the whole weekend... we were too busy having fun to remember to snap more ;) 

Ray has family there, so we have been before to check it out and visit people, but this time it was a purely random trip with absolutely no plan or itinerary. 
I love that about us, by the way. Last time we went, we didn't even book a place to stay. Just figured it out when we got there and it was one of the funnest weekends I've EVER had. 

This time around the weather was NOT on our side for the most part, but we made the best of it. For the few hours it wasn't raining, we rented a boat and floated around on the backwaters. Ray fished, I drank. We're a great team. We also swam in the ocean in the rain, which was completely spur of the moment and romantic, ate way too much, and watched the fireworks on Fort Myers beach (pictured). He is a little rough around the edges, but I love this man. 

Anyone else going on any minications? 

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